Mexican Avocado Packing Machine

How to eat Mexican avocado for weight loss

  1. Put breakfast on toast, or make a sandwich to provide full energy;
  2. The dinner can be cut into pieces, dipped in sushi soy sauce, and sprinkled with a little black pepper;
  3. It can be made into a salad, accompanied by other foods, pay attention to the proportion of nutrients, for example, it can be mixed with whole wheat bread, low-fat chicken breast, tomato, lettuce, etc.

Contrary to its dark and wrinkled skin, the flesh of avocado is bright yellow-green, with a smooth and dense taste like cheese, also known as avocado, avocado, and butternut. The pulp also exudes a unique fruity aroma, like the fragrance of pine in the forest, and has the reputation of “forest cream”.

Avocados come from Mexico, the place of origin. This is the hometown of avocados. After a long period of adaptation, the growth of avocados has reached a balance with the local climate and soil. Therefore, the avocados in Mexico are of high quality. Although it is Mexico, our avocados are all delivered directly to Shanghai to keep their freshness.

Mexico is an important avocado producing area in the world. The annual output of avocado ranks first in the world all the year round, and it is exported to more than 30 countries and regions around the world. After the avocados are picked, they need to go through machine and manual selection to ensure that each avocado is a large fruit weighing more than 200g. It is a full circle larger than ordinary avocados, and it tastes more fleshy and more enjoyable.

Considering the transportation time, the avocados will be picked when they are 7-8 years old. Avocados at room temperature will ripen on their own, and when the color turns dark green or even black, they are ready to eat. Ripe avocados should be eaten as soon as possible. If they cannot be eaten in a short period of time, they should be kept in the refrigerator to keep them fresh. (The low temperature will delay the ripening of the avocado)
Ripe avocados can be easily peeled off. You can also use a spoon to make a circle along the edge where the skin and pulp contact, and the pulp can be completely peeled off.

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The pulp can be eaten raw directly, and the plump and smooth texture is pleasant to the body and mind after taking a sip between the lips and teeth. As mentioned above, the nutritional value of avocado is also very high. The flesh is smooth like cheese, high in unsaturated fatty acids, high in dietary fiber, and low in sugar.

Because of its smooth and tender taste, avocado is often used by mothers as a complementary food for infants and young children.

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